Abwärtswandler in SOT23-Gehäuse, 1,5 A
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Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei gleicher Anschlussbelegung
- 2.7-V to 5.5-V Input Voltage Range
- 1.5-MHz Typical Switching Frequency
- Output Current up to 1.5 A (Max)
- Adaptive On-Time Current Control
- Power Save Mode for Light Load Efficiency
- 50-µA Operating Quiescent Current
- Up to 95% Efficiency
- Over Current Protection
- 95% Maximum Duty Cycle
- Excellent AC and Transient Load Response
- Power Good Output, TLV62566
- Internal Soft Startup of 250 µs (Typ)
- Adjustable Output Voltage
- Thermal Shutdown Protection
- Portable Devices
- DSL Modems
- Hard Disk Drivers
- Set Top Box
- Tablet
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The TLV62565/6 devices are synchronous step-down converters optimized for small solution size and high efficiency. The devices integrate switches capable of delivering an output current up to 1.5 A.
The devices are based on an adaptive on time with valley current mode control scheme. Typical operating frequency is 1.5 MHz at medium to heavy loads. The devices are optimized to achieve very low output voltage ripple even with small external components and feature an excellent load transient response.
During light load, the TLV62565/6 automatically enter into Power Save Mode at the lowest quiescent current (50 µA typ) to maintain high efficiency over the entire load current range. In shutdown, the current consumption is reduced to less than 1 µA.
The TLV62565/6 provide an adjustable output voltage via an external resistor divider. The output voltage start-up ramp is controlled by an internal soft start, typically 250 µs. Power sequencing is possible by configuring the Enable (TLV62565) and Power Good (TLV62566) pins. Other features like over current protection and over temperature protection are built-in. The TLV62565/6 devices are available in a SOT-23 5-pin package.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
Weitere Bedingungen oder erforderliche Ressourcen enthält gegebenenfalls die Detailseite, die Sie durch Klicken auf einen der unten stehenden Titel erreichen.
DLPDLCR4710EVM-G2 — Full HD DLP4710-Chipsatz – Evaluierungsmodul
TLV62565EVM-179 — TLV62565EVM-179 Evaluierungsmodul für Abwärtswandler (Buck) mit hohem Wirkungsgrad
This EVM is designed to help the user easily evaluate and test the operation and functionality of the TLV62565. The EVM converts a 2.7-V to 5.5-V input voltage to a regulated 1.8-V output voltage that delivers 1.5A.
TIDA-010011 — Referenzdesign für hocheffiziente Stromversorgungsarchitektur für Schutzrelais-Prozessormodul
TIDA-01226 — Referenzdesign für kompakte Projektionslösung mit DLP Pico-Technologie und Full HD 1080p (bis zu 16
TIDEP0020 — Referenzdesign zur diskreten Stromversorgung mit dem AM437x
PMP40154 — USB Typ-C™ und USB PD DRP – Referenzdesign mit HDMI Ausgang
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
SOT-23 (DBV) | 5 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
- Bausteinkennzeichnung
- Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
- MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
- MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
- Materialinhalt
- Qualifikationszusammenfassung
- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
- Werksstandort
- Montagestandort
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