Winzige Ein-Chip-Doppellösung mit 360 nA IQ Abwärts- und Aufwärtswandler bis zu 15 V in einem WCSP-G
- VIN Range 2.5 V to 5.5 V
- 370 nA Iq Step-Down Converter
- 8 Selectable Output Voltages (1.0V to 3.0V)
- 300 mA Output Current
- Output Discharge Function
- Slew Rate Controlled Load Switch with Discharge
Function - Dual Mode Step-Up Converter
- Load Disconnect
- Constant Output Voltage Adjustable up to 15 V
(VFB 0.8 V) / 12 V Fixed - LED Current Driver with PWM to Current
Conversion (max VFB Voltage 200 mV @ D =
- Tiny 16pin 1.58 × 1.58mm WCSP Package 0.4mm
The TPS62770 is a tiny power solution for wearable applications including a 370nA ultra low Iq step-down converter, a slew rate controlled load switch and a dual mode step-up converter. The output voltage of the step-down converter can be selected with three VSEL pins between 1.0 V, 1.05 V, 1.1 V, 1.2 V, 1.8 V, 1.9 V, 2.0 V and 3.0 V. The output voltage can be changed during operation. In shutdown mode, the output of the step-down converter is pulled to GND. The integrated load switch is internally connected to the output of the step-down converter and features slew rate control during turn on phase. Once turned off, its output is connected to GND.
The dual mode step-up converter can generate a constant output voltage up to 15 V, such as PMOLED supply; or, a constant output current, such as LED back light supply. The output voltage can be adjusted up to 15 V with external resistors, or set to fixed 12 V by connecting the FB pin to VIN. The device features an internal over voltage protection of 17.7 V in case the FB node is left open or tight to GND. It includes an internal rectifier and load disconnect function. When used as constant output current driver, the device offers a PWM to analog converter to scale down the reference voltage according to the duty cycle of the PWM signal.
The device is available in a small 16pin 0.4mm pitch WCSP package.
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Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
DSBGA (YFP) | 16 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
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