4-A-Abwärtswandler mit 2,75 bis 6 V in einem 2 mm x 3 mm QFN-Gehäuse mit erweiterter Temperaturfesti
- Functional Safety-Capable
- Extended junction temperature from –55°C to +150°C
- Input voltage range: 2.75 V to 6 V
- Family of 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, and 4-A converters
- Quiescent current: 15 µA typical
- Output voltage from 0.6 V to 5.5 V
- Output voltage accuracy ±1% (FPWM operation)
- Adjustable soft start
- Start-up at –55°C
- Forced PWM or PWM and PFM operation
- Adjustable switching frequency of 1.8 MHz to 4 MHz
- Precise ENABLE input allows
- User-defined undervoltage lockout
- Exact sequencing
- 100% duty cycle mode
- Active output discharge
- Spread spectrum clocking - optional
- Power good output with window comparator
- Package with wettable flanks
The TPS6281xM is family of pin-to-pin 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, and 4-A synchronous step-down DC/DC converters. All devices offer high efficiency and ease of use. The family of devices is based on a peak current mode control topology. Low-resistive switches allow up to 4-A continuous output current at high ambient temperature. The switching frequency is externally adjustable from 1.8 MHz to 4 MHz and can also be synchronized to an external clock in the same frequency range. The device can automatically enter power save mode (PSM) at light loads to maintain high efficiency across the whole load range. The device provides 1% output voltage accuracy in PWM mode which helps design a power supply with high output voltage accuracy. The SS/TR pin allows the user to set the start-up time or form tracking of the output voltage to an external source, allowing external sequencing of different supply rails and limiting the inrush current during start-up.
The TPS6281xM device is available in a 2-mm × 3-mm VQFN package with wettable flanks.
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