Referencia de tensión de derivación de micropotencia y precisión de 100 ppm/°C
- LM4040-N-Q1 AEC Q-100 qualified for automotive applications
- Extended Grade 1: −40°C to +125°C, TA
- Industrial Grade 3: −40°C to +85°C, TA
- Small packages: SOT-23, TO-92, and SC70
- No output capacitor required
- Tolerates capacitive loads
- Fixed reverse breakdown voltages of 2.048V, 2.5V, 3V, 4.096V, 5V, 8.192V, and 10V
- Key specifications (2.5V LM4040-N)
- Output voltage tolerance (A Grade, 25°C): ±0.1% (maximum)
- Low output noise (10Hz to 10kHz): 35µVrms (typical)
- Wide operating current range: 60µA to 15mA
- Industrial temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
- Extended temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
- Low temperature coefficient: 100ppm/°C (maximum)
Designed for space-critical applications, the LM4040-N precision voltage reference is available in small SC70 and SOT-23 surface-mount package. The advanced design of the LM4040-N eliminates the need for an external stabilizing capacitor while maintaining stability with any capacitive load, thus making the LM4040-N easy to use. Further reducing design effort is the availability of several fixed reverse breakdown voltages: 2.048V, 2.5V, 3V, 4.096V, 5V, 8.192V, and 10V. The minimum operating current increases from 60µA for the 2.5V LM4040-N to 100µA for the 10V LM4040-N. All versions have a maximum operating current of 15mA.
The LM4040-N uses a fuse and Zener-zap reverse breakdown voltage trim during wafer sort to make sure that the prime parts have an accuracy of better than ±0.1% (A grade) at 25°C. Bandgap reference temperature drift curvature correction and low dynamic impedance provide stable reverse breakdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating temperatures and currents.
Also available is the LM4041-N with two reverse breakdown voltage versions: adjustable and 1.2V. See the LM4041-N data sheet (SNOS641).
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Pedidos y calidad
- RoHS
- Marcado del dispositivo
- Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
- Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
- Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
- Contenido del material
- Resumen de calificaciones
- Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
- Lugar de fabricación
- Lugar de ensamblaje
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