Automobilindustrie, Hochvolt-SPI-Akkupack-Monitor mit drei ADC-Kanälen für die Strom- und Spannungsm
- AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
- Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, TA
- Functional Safety-Compliant
- Developed for functional safety applications
- Documentation available to aid ISO 26262 functional safety system design up to ASIL D
- Systematic capability up to ASIL D
- Hardware capability up to ASIL D
- Two simultaneous-sampling, 24-bit ADCs (ADC1A, ADC1B) for current-shunt measurements:
- Programmable full-scale range:
- ±39mV to ±312.5mV
- Supports a wide range of shunt resistor values and current-measurement ranges
- Achieve high-accuracy current-shunt measurements with:
- Offset error: ±1.5µV (max)
- Gain drift: 20ppm/°C (max)
- Programmable data rate: 500SPS to 64kSPS
- Digital overcurrent comparator per ADC with programmable thresholds for fast overcurrent detection
- Programmable full-scale range:
- One multiplexed, 16-bit ADC (ADC2A) for voltage and temperature measurements:
- 8 analog inputs
- Programmable full-scale range:±312.5mV to ±1.25V
- Channel sequencer
- Monitoring and diagnostic features to mitigate and detect random hardware faults
- Supply-voltage range: 2.9V to 16V
- SPI-compatible interface
- 9 GPIOs with PWM capability
The ADS131B23-Q1 is a fully integrated, high-voltage battery pack monitor for automotive electrical vehicle (EV) battery management systems (BMS).
The ADS131B23-Q1 integrates two simultaneous-sampling, high-precision, 24-bit ADC channels (ADC1A, ADC1B) to redundantly measure battery current with high resolution and accuracy using an external shunt resistor. Two independent digital comparators enable fast overcurrent detection in parallel with the two ADCs.
An additional multiplexed, 16-bit ADC (ADC2A) is available to measure shunt temperature and other voltages in the system, such as battery-pack voltage, using external high-voltage resistor dividers. Shunt temperature is measured using an external temperature sensor, such as a thermistor or an analog output temperature sensor. ADC2A is equipped with a channel sequencer that automatically steps through the configured multiplexer inputs to reduce communication on the SPI.
The device integrates many monitoring and diagnostic features to mitigate and detect random hardware faults to aid in the development of functionally safe BMS.
Internal linear regulators with input ranges up to 16V support powering the device with unregulated DC/DC converters.
The ADS131B23-Q1 is offered in a 48-pin HTQFP package and is specified over the automotive temperature range of –40°C to +105°C.

Weitere Informationen anfordern
Informationen zur funktionalen Sicherheit wie Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA), Sicherheitsanalyseberichte und Sicherheitshandbücher sind verfügbar. Jetzt anfordern
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Technische Dokumentation
Typ | Titel | Datum | ||
* | Data sheet | ADS131B23-Q1 Automotive, High-Voltage Battery Pack Monitor With SPI and 3 ADC Channels for Voltage, Current, and Temperature Sensing datasheet (Rev. A) | PDF | HTML | 31 Jan 2025 |
Application note | Digital Filter Types in Delta-Sigma ADCs (Rev. A) | PDF | HTML | 29 Mär 2023 |
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Bestellen & Qualität
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- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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