16-kanaliger Delta-Sigma-ADC, 24 Bit, 125 kSPS, mit schnellem Kanalscan und automatischem Sequenzer
- 24 Bits, No Missing Codes
- Fixed-Channel or Automatic Channel Scan
- Fixed-Channel Data Rate: 125kSPS
- Auto-Scan Data Rate: 23.7kSPS/Channel
- Single-Conversion Settled Data
- 16 Single-Ended or 8 Differential Inputs
- Unipolar (+5V) or Bipolar (±2.5V) Operation
- Low Noise: 2.8µVRMS at 1.8kSPS
- 0.0003% Integral Nonlinearity
- DC Stability (typical):
0.02µV/°C Offset Drift, 0.4ppm/°C Gain Drift - Open-Sensor Detection
- Conversion Control Pin
- Multiplexer Output for External Signal Conditioning
- On-Chip Temperature, Reference, Offset, Gain, and Supply Voltage Readback
- 42mW Power Dissipation
- Standby, Sleep, and Power-Down Modes
- 8 General-Purpose Inputs/Outputs (GPIO)
- 32.768kHz Crystal Oscillator or External Clock
- Medical, Avionics, and Process Control
- Machine and System Monitoring
- Fast Scan Multi-Channel Instrumentation
- Industrial Systems
- Test and Measurement Systems
SPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The ADS1258 is a 16-channel (multiplexed), low-noise, 24-bit, delta-sigma () analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that provides single-cycle settled data at channel scan rates from 1.8k to 23.7k samples per second (SPS) per channel. A flexible input multiplexer accepts combinations of eight differential or 16 single-ended inputs with a full-scale differential range of 5V or true bipolar range of ±2.5V when operating with a 5V reference. The fourth-order delta-sigma modulator is followed by a fifth-order sinc digital filter optimized for low-noise performance.
The differential output of the multiplexer is accessible to allow signal conditioning prior to the input of the ADC. Internal system monitor registers provide supply voltage, temperature, reference voltage, gain, and offset data.
An onboard PLL generates the system clock from a 32.768kHz crystal, or can be overridden by an external clock source. A buffered system clock output (15.7MHz) is provided to drive a microcontroller or additional converters.
Serial digital communication is handled via an SPI™-compatible interface. A simple command word structure controls channel configuration, data rates, digital I/O, monitor functions, etc.
Programmable sensor bias current sources can be used to bias sensors or verify sensor integrity.
The ADS1258 operates from a unipolar +5V or bipolar ±2.5V analog supply and a digital supply compatible with interfaces ranging from 2.7V to 5.25V. The ADS1258 is available in a QFN-48 package.
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