Einkanaliger 16-Bit-DAC mit Spannungs- und Stromausgang und adaptivem Power Management
- Output Current:
- 0 mA - 24 mA; 3.5 mA - 23.5 mA;
0 mA - 20 mA; 4 mA - 20 mA; ±24 mA
- 0 mA - 24 mA; 3.5 mA - 23.5 mA;
- Output Voltage (with/without 20% over-range):
- 0 V - 5 V; 0 V - 10 V; ±5 V; ±10 V
- 0 V - 6 V; 0 V - 12 V; ±6 V; ±12 V
- Adaptive Power Management
- Single Wide Power Supply Pin
- 12 V - 36 V with Buck-Boost
- 12 V - 33 V without Buck-Boost
- ±0.1% FSR Total Unadjusted Error (TUE)
- DNL: ±1 LSB Max
- Internal 5-V Reference (10 ppm/°C max)
- Internal 5-V Digital Power Supply Output
- CRC/Frame Error Check, Watchdog Timer
- Thermal Alarm, Open/Short circuit
- Safe actions on alarm condition
- Auto Learn Feature
- Wide Temperature Range: –40°C to +125°C
The DAC8771 is a single channel, precision, fully integrated 16-bit digital to analog converter (DAC) with adaptive power management, and is designed to meet the requirements of industrial control applications. The adaptive power management circuit, when enabled, minimizes the power dissipation of the chip. When programmed as a current output, the supply voltage on the current output driver is regulated between 4 V and 32 V based on continuous feedback of voltage on the current output pin via a buck/boost converter. When programmed as a voltage output, this circuit generates a programmable supply voltage for the voltage output stage (±15 V). DAC8771 contains an LDO to generate the digital supply (5 V) from a single power supply pin, particularly helpful in isolated applications.
DAC8771 is also implemented with a HART Signal Interface to superimpose an external HART signal on the current output. The slew rate of the current output DAC is register programmable. The devices can operate with a single external power supply of +12 V to +36 V using the integrated buck/boost converter or with external power supplies when the buck/boost converter is disabled.
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Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
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