Präzise Spannungsreferenz, 0,8 ppm/°C Drift (max.), 0,11 ppmp-p 1/f Rauschen, 380 μA Strom
- Low temperature drift coefficient:
- 0.8ppm/°C maximum (C grade, 0°C to 70°C)
- 1.5ppm/°C maximum (Q grade, –40°C to 125°C)
- Low noise (0.1Hz to 10Hz):
- 0.11ppmp-p with CNR = 100µF
- 0.45ppmp-p with CNR = Open
- High accuracy: ±0.02% maximum
- Low quiescent current: 380µA maximum
- Low long-term stability (1k hr): 25ppm
- Designed for a wide range of applications:
- Wide input voltage up to 18V
- Output current: ±10mA
- Voltage options: 2.5V, 3V, 4.096V, 4.5V, 5V
- Fit for all design requirement:
- Stable with 1µF to 100µF output low-ESR capacitor
- High PSRR: 100dB at 1kHz
- Operating temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
- Pin-to-pin to REF50xx family when TEMP pin is not used
The REF54 is a family of high precision, low-drift, low current consumption series voltage reference devices. The REF54 family offers low temperature drift coefficient (0.8ppm/°C), low noise (0.11ppmp-p) and high accuracy (±0.02%) while consuming 260µA current. The REF54 with low long-term drift (25ppm), excellent load and line regulation helps meet strict performance requirements of high precision applications. The device family is designed as a companion device for high-resolution data converters such as ADS8900B, ADS127L11, ADS1285 and DAC11001B.
The REF54 family supports wide supply voltage rating of 18 V. This also protects the device in case of power supply IC failure. The REF54 device supports up to 10mA load current. The wide load current support allows for direct connection of REF54 as power supply to precision sensors.
The REF54 is specified for the two temperature ranges, C grade is specified for 0°C to 70°C and Q grade is specified for –40°C to +125°C . The wide temperature range enables operation across various industrial applications.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
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REF54EVM — REF54-Evaluierungsmodul für energieeffiziente, rauscharme, driftstabile Spannungsreferenz mit hoher
Das REF54-Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) ist ein Präzisions-Referenz-EVM, das die Leistung der REF54-Familie von hochpräzisen, driftarmen Serienspannungsreferenzgeräten mit geringem Stromverbrauch demonstriert. Die REF54-Familie bietet einen niedrigen Temperaturdriftkoeffizienten von 0,5 ppm/°C, ein (...)
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Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
SOIC (D) | 8 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
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