A/D-Wandler, 8 Bit, 1 Kanal, µP-kompatibel, mit 1 LSB INL
- Compatible With 8080-µP Derivatives – No
Interfacing Logic Needed – Access Time 135 ns - Easy Interface to All Microprocessors, or Operates
as a Stand-Alone Deivce - Differential Analog Voltage Inputs
- Logic Inputs and Outputs Meet Both MOS and
TTL Voltage-Level Specifications - Works With 2.5-V (LM336) Voltage Reference
- On-Chip Clock Generator
- 0-V to 5-V Analog Input Voltage Range With
Single 5-V Supply - No Zero Adjust Required
- 0.3-Inch Standard Width 20-Pin DIP Package
- 20-Pin Molded Chip Carrier or Small Outline
Package - Operates Ratiometrically or With 5 VDC, 2.5 VDC,
or Analog Span Adjusted Voltage Reference - Key Specifications
- Resolution: 8 Bits
- Total Error: ±1/4 LSB, ±1/2 LSB and ±1 LSB
- Conversion Time: 100 µs
The ADC0801, ADC0802, ADC0803, ADC0804, and ADC0805 devices are CMOS 8-bit successive approximation converters (ADC) that use a differential potentiometric ladder – similar to the 256R products. These converters are designed to allow operation with the NSC800 and INS8080A derivative control bus with Tri-state output latches directly driving the data bus. These ADCs appear like memory locations or I/O ports to the microprocessor and no interfacing logic is needed.
Differential analog voltage inputs allow increasing the common-mode rejection and offsetting the analog zero input voltage value. In addition, the voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding any smaller analog voltage span to the full 8 bits of resolution.
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SOIC (DW) | 20 | Ultra Librarian |
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