DLP®-Controller für digitale Mikrospiegelbausteine (DMDs) DLP6500 und DLP9000
- Operates the following DLP DMD Chips
- DLP9000X DMD
- DLP6500 DMD
- User-selectable input clock rate
- 400 MHz or 480 MHz with the DLP9000X and DLP9000XUV
- 400 MHz with the DLP6500
- Continuous streaming input data
- Up to 61 gigabits per second with the DLP9000X and DLP9000XUV
- Up to 24 gigabits per second with the DLP6500
- Enables high-speed pattern rates
- Up to 15 kHz binary patterns per second with the DLP9000X and DLP9000XUV
- Up to 11.5 kHz binary patterns per second with the DLP6500
- 8-Bit gray scale pattern rates
- Up to 1.8 kHz with the DLP9000X and DLP9000XUV with modulated illumination
- Up to 1.4 kHz with the DLP6500 with modulated illumination
- 64-Bit 2x LVDS data bus interface
- Random DMD row addressing and Load4 loading
- Compatible with a variety of user-defined application processors or FPGAs
- I2C interface for control and status queries
The DLPC910 is a digital controller for three DMDs: the DLP9000X, DLP9000XUV, and DLP6500. The DLPC910 provides customers a high-speed data and control interface for the DMD to enable binary pattern rates up to 15 kHz with the DLP9000X/DLP9000XUV DMDs, and 11.5 kHz with the DLP6500 DMD. These fast pattern rates set DLP technology apart from other spatial light modulators and offer customers a strategic advantage for equipment needing fast, accurate, and programmable light steering capability. The DLPC910 provides the required mirror clocking pulses and timing information to the DMD. The unique capability and value offered by the DLPC910 device makes it well suited to support a wide variety of lithography, industrial, and advanced display applications.
In DLP-based electronics solutions, image data is 100% digital from the DLPC910 input port to the projected image. The image stays in digital form and is never converted into an analog signal. The DLPC910 processes the digital input image and converts the data into a format needed by the DMD for proper display. The DMD then steers the light to the location determined by the pixel data loaded into the DMD.
For complete electrical and mechanical specifications of the DLPC910, see the Virtex-5 product specification at www.xilinx.com.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
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