The INA296x is an ultra-precise, bidirectional current sense amplifier that can measure voltage drops across shunt resistors over a wide common-mode range from –5V to 110V, independent of the supply voltage. The high-precision current measurement is achieved through a combination of low offset voltage (±10µV, maximum), small gain error (±0.01%, maximum) and a high DC CMRR (typical 166dB). The INA296x is not only designed for high voltage, bidirectional DC current measurements, but also for high-speed applications (such as transient detection and fast overcurrent protection) with a high signal bandwidth of 1.1MHz and fast settling time.
The INA296x operates from a single 2.7V to 20V supply, drawing 2.5mA of supply current. The INA296x is available in five gain options: 10V/V, 20V/V, 50V/V, 100V/V, and 200V/V. Multiple gain options allow for optimization between available shunt resistor values and wide output dynamic range requirements.
The INA296x is specified over operating temperature range of −40°C to 125°C.
The INA296x is an ultra-precise, bidirectional current sense amplifier that can measure voltage drops across shunt resistors over a wide common-mode range from –5V to 110V, independent of the supply voltage. The high-precision current measurement is achieved through a combination of low offset voltage (±10µV, maximum), small gain error (±0.01%, maximum) and a high DC CMRR (typical 166dB). The INA296x is not only designed for high voltage, bidirectional DC current measurements, but also for high-speed applications (such as transient detection and fast overcurrent protection) with a high signal bandwidth of 1.1MHz and fast settling time.
The INA296x operates from a single 2.7V to 20V supply, drawing 2.5mA of supply current. The INA296x is available in five gain options: 10V/V, 20V/V, 50V/V, 100V/V, and 200V/V. Multiple gain options allow for optimization between available shunt resistor values and wide output dynamic range requirements.
The INA296x is specified over operating temperature range of −40°C to 125°C.