The OPA2652 is a dual, low-cost, wideband voltage feedback amplifier intended for price-sensitive applications. It features a high gain bandwidth product of 200MHz on only 5.5mA/channel quiescent current. Intended for operation on ±5V supplies, it also supports applications on a single supply from +6V to +12V with 140mA output current. Its classical differential input, voltage-feedback design allows wide application in active filters, integrators, transimpedance amplifiers, and differential receivers.
The OPA2652 is internally compensated for unity gain stability. It has exceptional bandwidth (700MHz) as a unity gain buffer, with little peaking (0dB typ). Excellent DC accuracy is achieved with a low 1.5mV input offset voltage and 300nA input offset current.
The OPA2652 is a dual, low-cost, wideband voltage feedback amplifier intended for price-sensitive applications. It features a high gain bandwidth product of 200MHz on only 5.5mA/channel quiescent current. Intended for operation on ±5V supplies, it also supports applications on a single supply from +6V to +12V with 140mA output current. Its classical differential input, voltage-feedback design allows wide application in active filters, integrators, transimpedance amplifiers, and differential receivers.
The OPA2652 is internally compensated for unity gain stability. It has exceptional bandwidth (700MHz) as a unity gain buffer, with little peaking (0dB typ). Excellent DC accuracy is achieved with a low 1.5mV input offset voltage and 300nA input offset current.