The OPA140, OPA2140, and OPA4140 (OPAx140) operational amplifier (op amp) family is a series of low-power JFET input amplifiers that features good drift and low input bias current. The rail-to-rail output swing and input range that includes V– allow designers to take advantage of the low-noise characteristics of JFET amplifiers while also interfacing to modern, single-supply, precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs).
The OPA140 achieves 11-MHz unity-gain bandwidth and 20-V/µs slew rate while consuming only 1.8 mA (typical) of quiescent current. This device runs on a single 4.5-V to 36-V supply or dual ±2.25-V to ±18-V supplies.
All versions are fully specified from –40°C to +125°C for use in the most challenging environments. The OPA140 (single) is available in the 5‑pin SOT-23 8‑pin VSSOP and 8‑pin SOIC packages. The OPA2140 (dual) is available in 8‑pin SON, 8‑pin VSSOP, and 8‑pin SOIC packages. The OPA4140 (quad) is available in the 14‑pin SOIC and 14‑pin TSSOP packages.
The OPA140, OPA2140, and OPA4140 (OPAx140) operational amplifier (op amp) family is a series of low-power JFET input amplifiers that features good drift and low input bias current. The rail-to-rail output swing and input range that includes V– allow designers to take advantage of the low-noise characteristics of JFET amplifiers while also interfacing to modern, single-supply, precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs).
The OPA140 achieves 11-MHz unity-gain bandwidth and 20-V/µs slew rate while consuming only 1.8 mA (typical) of quiescent current. This device runs on a single 4.5-V to 36-V supply or dual ±2.25-V to ±18-V supplies.
All versions are fully specified from –40°C to +125°C for use in the most challenging environments. The OPA140 (single) is available in the 5‑pin SOT-23 8‑pin VSSOP and 8‑pin SOIC packages. The OPA2140 (dual) is available in 8‑pin SON, 8‑pin VSSOP, and 8‑pin SOIC packages. The OPA4140 (quad) is available in the 14‑pin SOIC and 14‑pin TSSOP packages.